NE 2nd Avenue
““Every Fringe offers up one solo show so brilliantly conceived and so fabulously acted that it goes instantly to the compartment of the brain marked ‘reasons I go to the theatre’. This year it is Teo Castellanos’ NE 2nd Avenue.””
This evening-length one-man play is a compilation of some characters that make Miami their home. A jitney (small Caribbean bus) becomes a metaphor for a journey that takes the audience through the bumpy streets of this city. The work conveys, with poignancy and humor, the profoundly rich and textured mix of Miami, in which distinct Cuban, Haitian, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, Jewish, Gay/Lesbian and African American influences emerge yet, interestingly enough, often in ways that reveal evidence of, often denied, cross-pollination. NE 2nd Avenue brings attention to Miami’s marginalized populations, exploring underlying issues of racism and social injustice, acknowledging the differences among us and ultimately discovering the common threads that bind us together.
The critically acclaimed NE 2nd Avenue:
Won the Fringe First Award at the
2003 Edinburgh Fringe FestivalWas nominated for a South Florida Carbonell Award
Was voted Best Solo Performance by Miami New Times and
Was voted Best Original Play by Miami Beach Sun Post in 2002.
NE 2nd Avenue toured for 10 years throughout the U.S., the Caribbean, and Europe and is no longer available for touring.
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